the heavenly heart

You have made them a kingdom; You have appointed them priests to serve our God, and they will rule upon the earth. [Revelation 5:10 VOICE]

Do you regularly pray that part of the Lord's prayer that asks for God's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven? I try to pray it every day asking for a heavenly reality where war, hate, pain and sickness are no more. I think that the verse above clues us in a bit to how this kingdom works.

As I pray, I am often focused on the miraculous and ignore the normal way that the heavenly kingdom works. I forget that the kingdom works through priests like you and me. That love rules on earth when our hearts drive our actions. In reality the heavenly kingdom comes at a heart level.

I want to live from a heavenly heart. One that, as Jesus put it, is born from above. One that is fed with heavenly thoughts. Strengthened by heavenly exercise and discipline. I desire to have a heart that causes heaven to come to earth. One that causes me to love like Jesus.

Lord, please teach me new ways to feed and exercise my heart that it may grow strong.

... this devotion is part of a series from the book of Revelation

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