I am a New Yorker by birth, a Kansas Citian by choice and a Christian by grace. I am married, have two grown children and two grandchildren. I have worked as a soldier, technician, software designer and a pastor. I am now retired. I began blogging here in late 2004. The blog was then titled "An Eye for Redemption. I try to post a daily devotional thought and a prayer here that reflects upon the teachings of the scriptures. My hope is that I might encourage you in some small way.
You can explore the blog by selecting items from the menu or the icons at the left.
Here are some other places where you can find out more about me.
- KC Bob.. Information. Inspiration. Interaction.
- My Journey of Faith.. how Christ changed my life.
- Eight Random Facts About Me.. BBQ and grandkids.
- My Political Views.. not as conservative as I used to be.
- 45 Unasked Questions About Me.. Frosted Flakes and Bungee Jumping.
- The KB Chronicles..a search on my personal tag.
- Daily Prayer.. the place I pray.
- fone fotos.. where I share my cell phone pics.
- Email KC Bob.. I'd love to hear from you.
- My Google Profile.. not too much there.

Thanks for visiting and thanks for checking me out!