Advent | Nothing is Impossible

The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. ...
For nothing is impossible with God.” -Luke 1:35,37

The word impossible is one that so describes the coming of the Messiah. It seemed impossible for a virgin to be with child. It seemed impossible for the betrothed of such a girl to accept her as his wife. The life of the this Messiah was filled with the impossible. This pregnant virgin would one day see people healed by the hands of the baby that she was carrying. She would one day see her son resurrected and would know for certain that nothing is impossible with God.

... this devotion is part of an ongoing Advent series.


  1. It probably seemed impossible throughout the OT times that He would ever come, and yet Simeon and Anna were waiting for his arrival. Sometimes it seems impossible that He will return again, but I know He will and am longing to see Him when He does.


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