the human on the cross

Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. [John 19:28-29 NIV]

These words are the first that Jesus speaks to us that reminds us that he was fully human.
So far he has spoken divine words of forgiveness, assurance and care to those around him.

In saying that he was thirsty he identifies with all who are in need in the world.
I do think that there is an element of prophetic fulfillment in the passage.

Yet, I think that the message is much deeper than a mechanical fulfillment of prophecy.

In these words we see into his sufferings and get a glimpse into the normalcy of his death. 

Like so many others who have died Jesus body suffers dehydration.

He becomes thirsty as his body enters it's final stages.

These final words remind me that Jesus is the giver of living water.

And I remember his blood shed when I drink of the cup at communion. 

His words also remind us that he calls all who thirst spiritually to follow after him. 

He is the only one who can satisfy and quench the thirst of our souls. 

He is the human on the cross who suffered and died to do it.

My soul thirsts and aches after you Lord. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.

... this devotion is part of the Red Letters series. Click here to read more.

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