Mock life and life will mock you.

Skilled living gets its start in the Fear-of-God, insight into life from knowing a Holy God. It's through me, Lady Wisdom, that your life deepens, and the years of your life ripen. Live wisely and wisdom will permeate your life; mock life and life will mock you. -Proverbs 9:11-12 MSG

My life began to change that day that I invited Jesus into my life. My perspective changed as well as my attitude. Being in a prayer filled relationship with the Lord radically tweaked every aspect of my thinking and all of my actions. My heart was filled with an awe that I had never known as I began to regularly experience the presence of God. The awe of the Lord changes me still today. Prayer does not always change my circumstance but many times it changes me.

There is a superficial way to journey through life that keeps one's attention away from the deep meaning of life. So often, as these verses say, we seem to mock life by the things that we do and say. We say no to the Holy Spirit and prevent wisdom from penetrating our heart. Yet when we say a simple yes to God "our life deepens, and the years of our life ripen." Our lives are so different when our hearts are transformed and are filled with the awe of the Lord.

Transform us dear Lord. Fill us afresh with the awesome wisdom and presence of the Holy Spirit.

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