The gift of wise rule ...

Give the gift of wise rule to the king, O God, the gift of just rule to the crown prince. May he judge your people rightly, be honorable to your meek and lowly. Let the mountains give exuberant witness; shape the hills with the contours of right living. Please stand up for the poor, help the children of the needy, come down hard on the cruel tyrants.
-Psalm 72: 1-4

I love that this series of devotions on the sage of Solomon begins with a prayer. These verses are reminiscent of the response that Solomon gave to the Lord at Gibeon when God appeared to him in a dream and asked him "What can I give you?" I wonder how you would have answered that question? Solomon responded saying:
"Here's what I want: Give me a God-listening heart so I can lead your people well, discerning the difference between good and evil. For who on their own is capable of leading your glorious people?"
God gave Solomon wisdom that night and over time helped him discern how to lead Israel. I love how today's passage speaks of wisdom and just rule as gifts given to leaders who ask for such things. It seems to me that the fruit of such gifts is the ways that wise and just rulers honor the meek standing up for the poor and needy.

Help leaders all across the world to be ones who seek you and desire a wisdom that helps that helps the poor.


  1. Bob, sometimes life just gets in the way of want I want to do...such was the case in reading all your Job devotions and commenting...with your permission, I'm going to print them off, so I can take them to Descanso Gardens, and in the quiet by the pond read and think about your devotions. Then I'll make one "Big" comment, Haha.

    Will try to stay on top of your Solomon devotions. I love his writings.

    1. Of course you can Wanda! You are a huge encourager in my life!

      Have a great time at the Gardens.


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