Freedom from Bitterness

Gordon at Heavenly Heartburn recently posted about The Defilement of Bitterness. The post is excellent - short and sweet. To follow-up I thought that I would add a few words about my own journey with bitterness.

From first hand experience I can tell you that bitterness is deceptive and seductive. I have struggled with bitterness and have got rid of bitterness on several occasions. The way that I have deep-sixed bitterness on these occasions was to:
  1. confess it and ask for forgiveness,
  2. renounce it and ask for cleansing
  3. repent of it and ask for love to replace it.
About 20 years ago I had been having problems with my boss, Carol, for about six months. I could hardly stand to be in the same room as Carol ... I considered her to be the cause of my angst. As I prayed about this one day God spoke to me and told me that I had bitterness in my heart towards Carol. I was devastated - the issue was mine and not hers. Here is how I prayed:
Father, I confess that I have harbored bitterness towards Carol. Please forgive me. I renounce this bitterness and ask you to cleanse me of it. I repent of this bitterness. Please fill me up with Your love for Carol.
It was the first time that can I remember getting free of bitterness. My relationship with Carol immediately changed. It shocked me that I felt different when I was around her. Since that time I have been a bit more aware of bitterness and it's cancerous effects on my life. I have prayed that prayer many times when I sensed any shred of bitterness. If God is dealing with you today - pray the prayer ... it is easier to pull little weeds that the big ones.


  1. Great post, Bob. Thanks for being so transparent about yourself. This will be a great encouragement to many.

    God bless.

  2. Yes, an encouragement and a life-changing lesson. And I like the new profile pic!


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