The Basis of Hope

I woke up this morning with this passage from the third chapter of Lamentations on my heart:
This I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
I think that hope can only be hope when hope is based on the:
  • unceasing and enduring steadiness of God's endless love. Apart from this kind of love hope is built on a shaky foundation. With this unfailing love hope can spring anew.
  • mercy of a righteous God. Because of this we can be forgiven.. we can stand in right relationship with the Lord.. we can be free from the guilt and torment of our sins. In Christ mercy has trumped judgment and hope is new.
  • promise of a new day.. a day when things can be different.. a morning when life, love and mercy can be new.. it is a hopeful tomorrow.
  • understanding that God's love and mercy are relevant for me.. He wants a hope filled relationship, based on love and mercy, with me.
My prayer this morning is that we would embrace His love and mercy.. and live life with hope today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bob! how are you . thanks for this, Christ truly is our Hope !


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