"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness. "So you, too, outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. (Matthew 23:27-28)Before you jump my case and tell me to not judge lest I be judged hear what I have to say about hypocrisy. Firstly I think that we are all hypocrites because so few of us are free to be who we really are in our hearts. I think that religion is a weird phenomenom that puts people in positions where they are compelled to be hypocrites. Something inside of them causes them to reject who they really are and forces them to live external lives that are so different than their trues selves.
Fundamentalism really put me in that place of hypocrisy where my whole identity seemed to be external. I can remember times when I wanted to "go forward" to receive prayer and did not because I couldn't deal with the idea that people would question me as a leader. It seemed that my whole life was built around a charismatic persona where what I did was more important than who I was. It was only in pain that I began to reject living from the outside and start living from the inside - from my heart.
I am still challenged to live a life true to who I really am and to not reject my heart and cowtow to the image of the Christian leader that others might want me to be. It is sometimes a difficult journey because I don't like to be rejected and when you live from your heart rejection often comes - even if it is only in your mind :)
"Firstly I think that we are all hypocrites because so few of us are free to be who we really are in our hearts. I think that religion is a weird phenomenom that puts people in positions where they are compelled to be hypocrites."
ReplyDeleteI know I certainly feel this way at times, but less now than a few years ago. I agree that religion compels us to be hypocrites. Isn't that because it places the importance on us, causing us to be even more self-centered, though it disguises it as piety.
Christ always appeared to be so centered on those around Him and He wasn't bothered if the pious were upset by Him being who He was.
I have never heard anyone describe hypocrisy this way before - I think you are right. Using your definition of hypocrisy I agree that we are all hypocrites because how many people truly live from the inside out not caring what others think - and not listening to our own self -rejection.
ReplyDeleteTop post, K Bob!
Great post, KB. This is a great way to post about Haggard, without it being about Haggard!
ReplyDeleteAs many know, it was only about a year ago that I was stinking it up spiritually because of being one person on the outside and another on the inside. Well, after "coming out" with it, my pride was squashed and I knew I hadn't a leg to stand on spiritually. It is now MUCH easier to be more understanding about others falling.
"Isn't that because it places the importance on us, causing us to be even more self-centered.."
I understand what you are saying. But would it not be more accurate to say that WE place the importance on us. I don't think religion is to blame. It's our humanistic response to something godly, no?
It seemed that my whole life was built around a charismatic persona where what I did was more important than who I was. It was only in pain that I began to reject living from the outside and start living from the inside - from my heart.
ReplyDeleteThis? Lead me to tears. What a lovely and honest post.
KB..being who you are, living from your heart, makes you the spiritual leader that you are.
ReplyDeleteGreat post.
"Fundamentalism really put me in that place of hypocrisy where my whole identity seemed to be external."
ReplyDeleteIts only recent that I've been freed from hating the word "fundamentalism." I get it, and it's still a battle to be freed of it's grips, in some ways, anway.
In other ways, it's all too easy.
Hey Bob.
ReplyDeleteGood to see you over here. I love this post. It sounds so much like you... which is because it is you. Thanks for always beating the drum about knowing ourselves and living from the heart.
Beautiful post and matter of the heart. In my life, I never realized how many hurting souls under the veils of "fundamentalism" and "liberalism" (equally hurting souls on seemingly vastly different sides of the Biblical coin) as when I start listening to the honesty of my brothers and sisters in faith.
ReplyDeleteRefreshingly REAL. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteChrist is in your heart and offers you newness of heart and mind. You have the chance to grow towards a heart that you don't have to be ashamed of anymore. Haggard will not be able to teach that since he does not live it. Neither will you if you live from your heart. Christ's Spirit lives in your heart, live there with Him, and you won't have to fake it anymore on the outside.
Reject who you really are and become what Christ can help you make yourself inside and out using the stregth He offers. And then you can let your light shine, not like Haggard when he let's his light shine.
Thanks for stopping by Todd. I think that you and I don't quite track when we talk about living from your heart. You might come from a perspective that consider the heart as desperately wicked. Here are few of my previous posts that might help you understand where I come from on this: Control, Heart Water, and Your Heart is Good.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDelete"Another word for the outer man is the flesh which is comprised of the mind, the body and the emotions."
ReplyDeleteThere is no inner and outer man. Just the old and the new. The inner man is all you. It's who you are. Where in scripture does it show some kind of outer man hanging around? Your heart is the core of who you are, not some separate mechanism. The end product of all working areas inside you.
It seems like your reacting to a lot of bad Christian teaching in your past with your own questionable impressions of scripture.
These teachings concerning your personal concept of the heart sound great but when you continue to grow in Christ your heart will show Christ in you, and you'll be eager to show your heart without hesitation or worry to the outside world.
Once you do that, then you can 'go forward' and not worry at all if people question you as their leader because you will have the answer by showing them your newly grown into heart from Christ. And you'll be able to lead others in that same direction.
Your victory is not living from your heart but rather conforming your heart to Christ through His word and then enjoying the newness of your outer man.
At least that's what the scripture I read seems to say.
Hi Todd,
ReplyDeleteI am assuming that you have not read the second and third references in my comment/response to you. In these posts I detail my thoughts about living from your heart.
That said let me take issue with "conforming your heart to Christ through His word". I once lived in that world where I had to make my heart good by all sorts of performance ... that my friend is a dark road. It is not about making our heart good but about making our heart strong through excercise. I suggest that you read my thoughts at Your Heart is Good.
I think that ideas of inner/outer and spirit/flesh are themes throughout the new testament. Maybe it is just a difference of language? I am open to dialog if you can get a bit more specific but I am confused when you say that there is only old and new ... if there is only old and new then why do we struggle with the new ... is it that new isn't new enough?
Thanks for the dialog, Bob
I don't see anywhere that it contrasts inner/outer or refers to an opposite of a reference to the inner man, but just characterizes the inner man in a context of being that meaningful part of us. The inner man is our core and isn't contrasted to an outer place so far as I've come across.
ReplyDeleteThere is only old and new. The old is us and the new is us with God's Spirit in us. No middle. I see Eph. 4 explain this well. We have the old and the new explained in Col. 3 also. The old self is of the world, made by you, and practices evil, and the new self is a new creation which is ours to have and use and grow into as we may. The struggle is where we look to when we act, that is whether we look to our "old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit,..." or "set your mind on things above" and "be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness and truth". In Eph. 2,3,4 & 5, Paul says we were made alive together in Christ, and all the how's and why's about it. He talks all about the power we have in the knowledge of Christ, why and not only how to use it but that we should use it and walk in a manner worthy of its eternal value to us. He talks about how in your flesh is lust and corruption but in the Spirit is power for you to freely take advantage of to make something of your pitiful heart that you love so much. You use your heart as a receptacle for God's written word that's been given to us telling us what He enables us to do. We then fill it up with things from above, keeping our mind set on things above, therby putting to death the old self. That's the struggle. These references to the heart in our articles don't make mention of the new heart a christian is given and how to care for it and grow it into bearing mature fruit of peace, hope, joy and the rest as a gift they can enjoy and benefit from and find strength in right now which makes their heart look...well...dead, in comparison. But they need to go to the bible and fill it with the bountiful and beautiful good news and everything it entails, not their own lost heart. the knowledge and wisdom form God not from your prideful selfish worthless heart that god wants you to put to death. I don't get how you miss all this but it surely is not found in your articles. Not all are called to teach. I surely am not. But I am going to try and grow into it all the same and would hope that my brothers and sisters in Christ will correct me as well if I'm not doing an excellent job of sharing the riches of Christ's revelation to us about.
We struggle with the new nature because we haven't fully learned to let the old go, and find the superior riches and joy that is in the new man.
Christ says it's there, Haggard makes a mockery of it, even insulting It(the Holy Spirit). We all do to a degree including myself but I have found the power Christ promised and would like to remind other people that it is real as well(I am not of the charismatic persuasion either). I'm not questioning whether or not Haggard is saved, I'm just saying that he cannot teach these magnificent Truths if he does not live them. Who would believe him? If he's going to lead with is heart were all in big trouble. Christ gives us self-control, almost effortless in my experience, in contrast to my life before Christ. Your heart is a piece of junk Bob, put it to death and get a new one, giving Christ the credit and not yourself. I dare say you may not even refer to it as your heart anymore. I know I'm sounding a little flip or pushy. Not my desire. Thanks very much for the dialogue as well Bob, Todd.
Hi Todd,
ReplyDeleteI am finding this pretty difficult to have a dialog because of the volume of comment (yours and mine). So, possibly we could do this in smaller chunks.
How about trying to start with what happens at salvation. What does it mean to be born again? What is born anew? Certainly we are the same on the outside.
In my view our inner man (our heart) is born anew. So, in your view, what is new?
ReplyDeleteThe first time you're born you are born into the world. When you're born again, it is into the kingdom of God. Not directly into His eternal heavenly kingdom, but born into sonship, with an inheritance into the future eternal heavenly kingdom, the Holy spirit being our immediate pledge of that inheritance from God.
So that's being born anew.
The Spirit is new and enables us to (I'm going to borrow a word I just heard Rose use) imbibe and understand God's word. God's Word is what changes you when you 'take to your heart', and submit to, it's truth and wisdom.
You quite doing counterproductive and self oriented things. You direct your behavior towards things of eternal value, that please God and conform to counsel handed out by Christ through all of His apostles, and so on. You stop doing as much of the counterproductive tings that make life hard for you.
The outer man changes accordingly.
Very few christians do I see this maturity in. That could also just be my own narrow perception. So if you are going to contend with other religious leaders to see who can exude the better 'outer man', you may get your tail kicked but it may be as a result of just being out performed and not necessarily being a better servant/teacher of the Lord. Do you ever marvel at the many seemingly outwardly devoted people to the christian religion who know almost nothing about exactly how and why they are saved much less how we can walk and grow in the Spirit/Word and feel the peace, hope, joy, knowledge and wisdom, and on and on.
I fully sympathize with your fear of long rambling comments Bob.
So the Spirit and it's effects in helping us understand the power filled wisdom and knowledge of the Word is new.
And it will change the outer man because a bad tree cannot produce good fruit and a good tree cannot produce bad fruit. And the fruit will be God's but He will reward you for it.
That's how I view it.
You want to hear someone with no gift for public speaking who teaches the word of God very accurately then click on my Pastor's sermon over at my website. You may be surprised or disappointed but he's taking us through the whole bible chapter by chapeter.
So your new heart will give you guidance and comfort only in relation to how much of the mind of Christ you fill it up with.
That's what scripture seems to tell me anyway. Thanks for your interest in my view Bob!
The Spirit in you is new.
Sorry about that last little scrap at the bottom that I had intended to erase Bob.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean when you say "the Spirit in you is new"? That sounds like inner/outer man terminology? Unless you are saying that the Holy Spirit is new - which wouldn't make sense because the Holy Spirit doesn't need to be born anew or born again. Jesus told Nicodemus that WE had to be born anew ... to me that means that our old heart/self/nature died with Jesus on the cross and was raised again/anew with Him in His resurrection.
That said, I am just trying to understand where you are coming from because you objected so strongly to my references to the heart / inner man. If the heart/self/inner man isn't born again then what is? The answer is important in our understanding of salvation and pursuing sanctification.
Thx, Bob
ReplyDeleteAt the risk of hurting your feelings by giving you a very honest appraisal of your teaching here I'm going to leave it be. Take care. Todd Thanks for your hospitality.
Sorry that you feel that way Todd. Feel free to email me (kansasbob@gmail.com) if you ever want to give me an honest perspective in a less public venue.
ReplyDeleteI would ask though that you begin with your own perspectives on what happens to a believer at salvation. I am concerned that you have mixed a subtle form of fundamentalism into your theology of salvation where you believe that you still have a 'desperately wicked' heart.
A book that I might recommend to you is "Waking the Dead" by John Eldredge. I think that it might help you better understand the nature of salvation and walking in the Spirit.
Todd -- I found this and wondered if it might better describe the tension between the inner and outer man ... some people describe this dynamic as two natures ... maybe this works a bit better for you?
ReplyDeleteTwo Natures- We believe that believers, as long as they are on this earth, have two
natures battling within- the flesh nature which is always sinful and corrupt, and the
spiritual nature which is always holy and good. We believe that we have the ultimate
victory over our flesh nature because it was crucified with Christ, but we realize that
we will struggle with it until the day we die. John 3:6; Romans 6:6; 7:14-24; Galatians
5:16,17; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:9,10; 1 John 3:5-9.
Thanks, Bob...you took the words right outta my mouth...
ReplyDeleteAh...would that when we accept Christ we struggle no more....but that is when the struggle intensifies! God bless ya.
"Two Natures- We believe that believers, as long as they are on this earth, have two
natures battling within- the flesh nature which is always sinful and corrupt, and the
spiritual nature which is always holy and good. We believe that we have the ultimate
victory over our flesh nature because it was crucified with Christ, but we realize that
we will struggle with it until the day we die. John 3:6; Romans 6:6; 7:14-24; Galatians
5:16,17; Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:9,10; 1 John 3:5-9."
ReplyDeleteNice to meet you! My name is Melody, and I understand you were the 5000th visiter to the Beer, BBQ & Bible Study! Congratulations! It was there that I found a link to your blogspot, and I'm glad I did. I have a poem that I wrote about hypocrits, you might find interesting. I'd like to share it with you, and if it meets your approval, you may post it.
I really enjoyed hearing Celine's song on prayer.
Thanks for blogging for the masses, and serving the Lord!
The Hypocrite
Label me a hypocrite, an actor or a fraud.
I can't deny that I may have a character that's flawed.
Imperfection's sure to show. I'm human through and through.
There will be times when I won't be "Christian" enough for you.
My words don't always drip with honey when I am upset.
Often times I tell white lies that later I regret.
Like it or not, my attitude may need to re-adjust.
And when I'm tired-grumpy-hurt, my anger may combust.
Though, daily, I awake from sleep intending to be good,
I often miss the perfect mark (I'd reach it if I could).
Whether you believe it, I really want to honor God
And my attempts to do so aren't really a facade.
Just like you, I live some days that just don't go my way.
'Tis then the hypocrite in me may boldly be portrayed.
I'm still a work in progress, and until the work is done,
Remember, I'm not perfect yet. I'm only... forgiven.
You're right that there is no excuse for actions that fall short.
Nor should the children of the Lord, with sinfulness, consort.
If daily, I would hide the words of God inside my heart,
It'd surely digress the sinfulness and make The Fraud depart.
God's the only perfect One. Only He won't disappoint.
The rest of us are broken, and can throw things out of joint.
His words are reassuring, tender, kind and loving, too.
His actions always-only-forever choose what's best for you.
Immediately, He's by your side like no one else can be.
To His adopted children, He delivers life abundantly.
Saving grace and wisdom, most joyfully is given,
Along with peace and comfort and the promise of life in heaven!
Yes, man will fail, as I have shown by personal hypocrisy,
But Christ prevails over sin, and death, and man's atrocities.
Don't let the acts of sinful man, or sinful me, prevent
Your fellowship with a perfect God who makes the heart content.
Oh, to be salt! And light! And act in love...befitting as God's Child!
Oh, to make the flameless heart burn fierce and spread like wild!
Lord, help me live a righteous life. Let me start today.
I hate to think that my recourse caused one to turn away!
I vow to lay the actor down, and the hypocrite, deny.
Lord, let me show how You are Trust, as in you I rely.
Pass my heart through cleansing fire. Rid me of sin and shame.
Make me shine like silver refined, and honor your glorious name!
Written on November 30th, 2005
By: Melody M. Pate, Clinton, NC
very nice, Melody!