Wait Until the End

I wasn't sure I liked this one at first ... it paints a troubling picture of the prodigal's journey ... especially the journey of a prodigal teen ... it was causing me to dial back into my past pain and fears ... hang on until the end and you might like it.


  1. Knocked me off my feet. Wow, Bob. That's beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you.

  2. Wow. I need a moment...

    That's what it's like - just what it's like.

  3. Extremely impactful. I have always felt good theater can invoke an emotional response. This does it in a matter of minutes. I had tears. Thanks for posting it.

  4. I can finally post a comment after sobbing for a few minutes. That was incredible. Thank you for sharing it.

  5. *Might* like it?? I CRIED like a baby. I've shown this video at my blog, too---awesome power of Christ to set the captive free....powerful.

  6. I have seen this video about a dozen times and everytime I cry. It is just so powerful!


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