the immortal covenant

“This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.” [Hebrews 10:16 NIV]

I suggest that this is the covenant that has always been in effect. Every other covenant is but a shadow of this one. All others are an outward refection of this inner reality. God has always been in the business of inner laws. Always been in the business of inner transformation and not external compliance.

Yet throughout history humans have placed a focus on the things that one can see with their eyes. Wanting covenants and laws that govern external behaviors but are impotent to change hearts and minds. Such is the temporal covenant. The one envisioned with earthly imaginations.

Yet since the beginning there has always been an immortal covenant at play. One that is spiritual in nature. Invisible to the eye but powerful to affect the nations. Such was the focus of the sermon on the mount. Following God has never been about external covenants but about inner renewal.

Teach us Lord to hear the voice of your immortal covenant deep within us.

... this devotion is part of a series from the book of Hebrews.

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